What makes a piece unique?
Grandeur, Substance, Detail, and Love

What makes it a featured piece?
Incomparability, Precision, Warmth, et Amour

Van Gogh Skyline

What’s more ubiquitous than Van Gogh’s Starry Night?
His is the classic, so inspired! But, this version is Chicago to the core!
When posted to Facebook, it sold within a few days.
Maybe you’d even want one like it, but there’s only one.
8 feet by 32 inches, hand crafted canvas. Incomparable Grandeur.


Gigi’s Baptism

A picture’s worth a thousand more, a painting a million more.
Commemorate a family occasion, a beloved pet, or favorite place.
Impressionism and sleek color gradients bring the forms to life.
My goal is to have a my friends and family appreciate art.
Smaller 11” x 14” allows for more craftsmanship. Precise Substance.


Rembrant’s Prodigal Son

John gets up in the morning and meditates on my painting.
Rembrant’s was larger than life, more than 8 feet tall.
Mine focuses on the warm, tender details and fullness of the scene.
If seeing it brings you close to the Father God, my duty is done.
A standard 20 by 16 inches in Acrylic. Warm Details.


Dragonfly of Destiny

Modeled after a “Melissa and Doug” jigsaw puzzle.
As I pieced this together, I fell in love with my bride Maria.
The painting was one of eight in a series of gifts to my teachers.
Be struck by the brightness of the yellow and glimmer of the colors.
Another smaller painting, but so full of love, plein d’amour.